Veterinary Clinic and Pet Care Center in Irbid, Jordan

We are pleased to share an update about the veterinary clinic and pet care center that opened in January 2024 in the city of Irbid, Jordan. This facility has been instrumental in enhancing animal care in the region through its dual mission.

High-Quality Community Services

Since its opening, the clinic has been dedicated to providing high-quality veterinary services to the residents of Irbid. From routine check-ups and vaccinations to advanced medical treatments and surgeries, the clinic is equipped with modern technology and staffed by experienced veterinarians. Our goal is to ensure the health and well-being of pets in the community through comprehensive and compassionate care.

Supporting Al-Yarmouk Stray Dogs Nonprofit

In addition to serving the local community, the clinic supports the mission of Al-Yarmouk Stray Dogs Nonprofit by offering low-cost veterinary care for rescue animals. The clinic runs a FREE spay program targeting female Canaan (Baladi) dogs with the goal of reducing the number of puppies introduced into the street dog population. These essential services help reduce the stray dog population and improve the quality of life for many animals in need. We are proud of the positive impact this facility has made since its opening. For more information about the services offered or to schedule an appointment, please contact the veterinary clinic and pet care center in Irbid. Together, we continue to make a difference in the lives of animals and ensure they receive the care they deserve.

Workshop at Sharhabeel Bin Hasna Municipality

Al-Yarmouk team (Eng. Safwan & Dr. Mudaffar) conducted a workshop about the problem of street dogs at Sharhabeel Bin Hasna Municipality in the Jordan Valley area. They discussed with community leadership and interested public ways to confront the problem. Our team had to fight tons of misconceptions about street dogs. They also had to explain (not without difficulty and pushback) why killing dogs is not going to solve the problem.

Well …The photo is not great, but you get the point!


This cute little boy is from Assarih, Irbid. He had an infection so bad poor thing couldn’t eat. He actually thought food was hurting him, so he would hiss and hit food, even wet food. At first, our doctor removed a couple of bad teeth and gave him antibiotics. Few days later, he still had the infection. We took him to Jordan University of Science and Technology Vet clinic. Given another course of antibiotics. Thankfully, we avoided surgery and he is now doing much better! He will neutered once fully recovered.

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Shop on AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate to Al-Yarmouk through Bridges of Trust Corp.


There are cute kittens, and there is Dabbous! In Arabic, “Dabbous” means a pin. Dabbous was so tiny when I found him near a cafe in Irbid. Apparently he was alone there for a couple of days and was screaming non stop. Like a pin, Dabbous can easily cause a puncture wound … because he is such a fierce cat!

The adorable Mr. Dabbous is the first guest at the Al-Yarmouk Sanctuary. His current job is to keep Abu Mohammad (the guard) safe and entertained.

Al-Yarmouk Sanctuary Site Under Construction

We have been busy preparing the site for hosting dogs with special needs. We will initially focus on blind dogs.

The need is dire.

In Jordan, stray dogs in general are not taken care of. No veterinary care, no vaccines, no food, no nothing. Mainly surviving on whatever garbage available on the streets. Dogs with special needs suffer the most and have no refuge. Most dogs with special need perish very quickly on the streets. Very few get rescued by kind hearted individuals, but the vast majority are left to suffer on their own. That must change!

Al-Yarmouk signs MOU with the City of Irbid

A huge step! Al-Yarmouk just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the municipality of Greater Irbid . Both parties agreed to jointly address the stray dog problem in Irbid. The goal is to work together to better understand the problem and come up with practical solutions.

Irbid is the second largest city in Jordan and the main urban center in the north.

Unnamed Cat from Ash Shumaysani

This unnamed cat was found frail, starved and asking for help in Ash Shumaysani neighborhood in Amman. It was a cold rainy night. Taken to Petly Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Raed Gharaibeh found a bone stuck in her mouth causing sever infection. The cat was treated and few days later spayed and then released to a safer area. 

A Visit to Al Rabee Dog Shelter

A unique site in Jordan, Al Rabee dog shelter in Aqapa the Southern most city in Jordan is one hopeful place. The moment the gate was open, a storm of life and love engulfed us. Rodica, the unbelievable force behind the shelter, was a great host.   

Rodica Toma Athamneh. God bless your heart.

We made sure to check on the two puppies Ruba and I virtually adopted two years ago, Amal and Batal.